BestCare 24

Grija de care ai nevoie

Key results: 872% community growth

BestCare 24 is one of the leading senior care companies from Austria with it’s headquarters in Viena. With more than 10 years of experience, they provide daily home nursing services through all Austria.

Their branch from Romania is responsible for the recruiting proccess of the qualified, german speaking nurses for the patients in need.

Problem: Long and Costly Lead Acquisition

They needed nurses to fill specific senior care jobs in Austria and they needed to do this fast. They had recently launched their website, but didn’t have a marketing strategy to work upon except lead hunting in hospitals and nursing homes.

of businesses

fail because they don't address to the right market

Objectives: Improve Visibility & Expand the Network

By analyzing the market, their key audience and creating the buyer personas we came up with a plan to focus on creating an engaged online community

To reach the objectives we created an online community where the nurses could get all the information needed with ease and get in touch with one of BestCare 24’s representatives.

Social Media Marketing

Based on a long term strategy, we created a social media marketing plan with Facebook and Facebook Messenger as the main communication channel. The result? 872% organic community growth on their business page and a lot of engagement.

Facebook Ads

The advertisement tools from Facebook came naturally for their business objective. We’ve developed and implemented a lead generation funnel based on periodical and situational offers.

About 3.03 billion people are on social media around the globe.

(BrizFeel, 2018)

E-mail Marketing

Set in a dynamic industry like home nursing, BestCare 24 needed a growing database of candidates for the recruitment process. We designed and composed monthly newsletters and e-mail campaigns so their audience was always in touch with the latest news and job offers.   

Content Marketing

Providing educational and informative content on a regular basis was a very important part of their strategy. As a brand seeking to become authority on a new market, written articles was the best suitable option for their buyer persona.  

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Written articles, videos, and images are the three most engaging types of content on social media.

(Clutch, 2017)

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Finding ways to recruit the workforce needed for our area of homecare nursing in Austria was a real struggle so we decided we need professional help to create the strategy and automate the whole process. Story Avenue helped us create our own community, achieve visibility and develop efficient recruiting methods through employer branding.

Cristina Lăpăduș, CEO BestCare24 Romania

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